Leopard Life Scholarship

Smithsburg encompasses all that makes a small town wonderful, memorable and desirable. We are about family, community and pride. We are Leopards.

This scholarship celebrates the heart and soul of our Smithsburg community: Leopard Life.

The Smithsburg Days committee is offering two $500 scholarships to celebrate the exciting futures of our Leopards. The guidelines are as follows:
- Student must be a current senior to apply
- Student must have a GPA of 2.7 or higher
- Student must plan to attend college or technical school within 2 years following his or her high school graduation
- Student must attend Smithsburg High School
- Scholarship will be paid directly to the school

Our scholarship application contains two parts: The information submission and the essay submission. The deadline to submit your application is May 24th, 2024.

Please follow these directions:
You must submit an essay, 250-500 words in length, titled "Hometown Pride" and it should explain what hometown pride means to you, and why it is important for a community to thrive.
Please type this on a word doc or similar program and attach it to an email and send to: dottiegruhler@myactv.net.

In the email, please include the following:

  • Name, address and phone number
  • Email address
  • Your grade and current GPA
  • School you will attend after graduation (if known)
  • Birth date
  • Short paragraph stating why you would like to win the LeopardLife Scholarship