Designer Purse Bingo

Smithsburg Days Designer Purse Bingo and Fried Chicken Meal!
Saturday, April 5, 2025
Elks Lodge: 11063 Robinwood Dr., Hagerstown
Doors open at 3pm, dinner at 5pm, Games start at 6pm
Raffles, tip jars, 50/50 for purchase
Tickets are $35 and include fried chicken dinner. Beverages, snacks and dessert available to purchase.
Tickets ONLY sold until March 4th- NO tickets sold at door
Includes 20 games and 3 specials!
When you buy your tickets online, they will be held at the will call desk at the event. Tickets are not mailed. You do not need a Paypal account to purchase online.
If you would like to buy tickets in person, please CONTACT US and someone will get back with you about setting up a meet. Put in the comment form that you would like to set up an in-person ticket purchase.
These are the ONLY 2 ways you can get tickets. If you see someone posting online that they have tickets for sale, it could be a scammer, so please only use these two forms. Thank you!
To purchase tickets online, CLICK HERE